$$ \Huge\textsf{\color{#B6D0E2}\fbox{\color{#B6D0E2}{ j o u r n a l }\color{#0096FF}{ b y c h a n c e }}} $$
dis cete, 1 of my katz
🙋🏻♀️🤓👾 hello, claudia here! welcome to journal by chance. journal by chance is a notion-based daily planner purposefully designed not to make life simpler. instead, it tries to embrace the complexity in the ways we venture and shape our days.
upon benefitting from this planner system, i’ve found how simple journaling actually is, yet how complicated and ever-changing us humans can be 😂 thus ended up improving the journal for 4 years (and still counting!) to answer to my own problems and necessities on facing goals, hopes, and losses.
🌦️ this journal, by chance, has been an aid for me to learn down the road of who i am and how i grow, how i change or do not change by recording the mundane on an overtly sophisticated bullet journal in between bustling everyday life.
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in by chance studio., we believe lots of great things happen by chance. and if we have the privilege of the chance to connect with you, hit us up for collaborations, ideas, thoughts, or any inquiries you’ve got in your mind!
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ommo!! haven’t shared the template yet, so i didn’t expect anybody would notice this journal yet. seeing some folks have been duplicating this journal, i can’t help but dying to know what y’all thinnnkkk 😭😭
if you like what you’re seeing, support me (re: my cats meal) here 👇🏻
create your journals here.
🗂️ there are 3 journal levels: month, day, activity.
month journal
day journal
activity journal
[ start journaling](<https://bychancestudio.notion.site/start-journaling-19c6f1f72d37805796deef3f36eb3fea>)
will automatically create your first 3 journals above.view | available in | description |
month |
[](<https://bychancestudio.notion.site/18f6f1f72d3780feb54df379d97a037a>) |
to observe the activity & habit summarised in all month journals you’ve accumulated. |
this week |
`journal by chance | |
` | a sneak peek on your day journals within the past week, as well as the active month journal. | |
take a rest |
`journal by chance | |
` | a reminder on which day journals you’ve promised yourself to take a rest on. | |
daily planner |
[🗓️ month journal](<https://bychancestudio.notion.site/month-journal-19c6f1f72d3780da9873cba35536bb50>) page |
to observe all the day journals created within the given month. |
activity |
[🌤️ day journal](<https://bychancestudio.notion.site/day-journal-19c6f1f72d3780ae9513f3c3151499fb>) page |
to observe all the activity and habit you’ve recorded within the given day. |
activity :: timeline |
[🌤️ day journal](<https://bychancestudio.notion.site/day-journal-19c6f1f72d3780ae9513f3c3151499fb>) page |
‣ page |
‣ page |
idem, but in timeline view. you can see clearly which activity or habit is performed when at a certain duration. |
in to-do list and moments page, it shows only activity journal ever performed for the given to-do list or moments. | </aside>
relevant on 1 level only