**about us · people say · share yours · contact us ·** https://saweria.co/bychancestudio
$$ \Large\textsf{\color{#B6D0E2}\fbox{\color{#0096FF}{ a b o u t }\color{#1d282e}\colorbox{0096FF}{{ u s }}}} $$
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by chance studio. adalah sekumpulan teman, nongkrong by chance, biar gak bengong jadi ngerjain project2 random side by side.
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untuk kebutuhan bisnis, kami seringnya mengembangkan api calls jadi tools2 crm dan marketing yang mudah diakses, fully functioning ones maupun add-ons, untuk emails, media sosial, sampai whatsapp.
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di sisi lain, kami juga suka iseng bikin pencatatan finansial digital, daily planner, paling nyebrang birth chart calculator — umumnya buat personal growth (kalau bisnis bisa memanfaatkan data digital kita, kita juga bisa 💙)
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in by chance studio., we believe lots of great things happen by chance. and if we have the privilege of the chance to connect with you, hit us up for collaborations, ideas, thoughts, or any inquiries you’ve got in your mind!
$$ \Large\textsf{\color{#B6D0E2}\fbox{\color{#0096FF}{ p e o p l e }\color{#1d282e}\colorbox{0096FF}{{ s a y }}}} $$
$$ \Large\textsf{\color{#B6D0E2}\fbox{\color{#0096FF}{ s h a r e }\color{#1d282e}\colorbox{0096FF}{{ y o u r s }}}} $$